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Image by Clay Banks
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Eight week online group hypnosis and coaching program

If it's starting to feel like your 5 o'clock pour is automated rather than a conscious choice, it could be time to reassess your relationship with alcohol through the power of hypnosis and connection coaching. If you're ready to understand and create some awareness around your beliefs and behaviours when it comes to alcohol and drinking, then OTP might be for you.

Eight 60 - 90 min group Zoom Calls 
Private Facebook Group
Weekly Challenges and Activities
Powerful Weekly Resources
A Safe, Supportive and Empowering Space
Time to Prioritise Self Care and Self Awareness

Investment: $120 per week


With summer socialising in full swing, it can be challenging to break away from the social norms and explore your behaviours and beliefs when it comes to drinking and how it is serving you. One alcoholic beverage here, another there, the next you are foot loose, fancy free and several margaritas deep. Only to wake up feeling somewhat dusty, tired, unmotivated and for some battling with the mental constraints of their mind. Join us for an eight week journey of exploration and commitment to building on your mindset, inner power and relationship with yourself, in order to live a life that feels f**king gorgeous, OTP (off the piss).

If you are sober curious and looking for a safe, supportive and informative space to get to the core of your drinking behaviours and beliefs then this could be for you.

The eight weeks will be resource rich as we dive deep into reprogramming the subconscious mind in creating a mindful approach towards alcohol consumption. Our sessions will allow your subconscious mind to be implanted with powerful suggestions to motivate you to practice drinking mindfully, control your alcohol and moderate your drinking habits leaving you feeling empowered.

Meet your Coaches

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I'm Bec! A Clinical Hypnotherapist and Wellness Coach based on the Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch.
I am passionate about supporting people to live life from a place of freedom, and freedom begins in the mind.

Bec Marshall, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Wellbeing Coach 

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